Thursday, September 10, 2015

Ranje Pearson Jr.

    The ingenuity festival is a place basically where you can show off your talents in my opinion. I don't know too much of it but that's what I think it is. I want to know if what I said is true if it is a place to show off some skill. I can just look it up and see and get information about it.

    The ingenuity festival helps celebrate the creativity of Cleveland. We show how we can create a lot of things with just about nothing. We created arobic steps and we can show how we did that with only a couple wood pallets. We need to know are designs will never be perfect but we can always fix that. The most exciting part will be the people and if they like sitting on the seats and if they like the decoration of the stage. I'm not worried at all. But, i'm a little concerned but i'm not concerned.

    The obstacle we have to overcome is the faultiness of the boards and if we can make these seats and the stage with the best of our ability. I think these pallets will brake easy so the stage will be the best and worst concern. We can just make the broken boards bigger boards and that will be a big accomplishment.

    The only thought I have right know is that how will this be like will we be successful and will the people like this creation we made.


Friday, September 4, 2015

1. This experience so far is very fun and adaptable.
2. I like the teachers here because they try to have fun and teach at the same time that's why i like them.
3. One specific thing I hate is all the projects you have to day and the work can be confusing not really difficult though that's the good part.
4. This school would be more interesting if first it didn't look like a jail cell and if it was a little more sports.
5. Like I said before, this school is much more fun and exciting than other schools.
6. I've never done anything at other schools like this school.
7. I learned how to use the tools safely and how to create almost anything from nothing like pallets.
8. I'm using creative ways of thinking and trying other things in my head before I do it.
9. I'm communicating with others for their ideas so we can use that to make stuff.
10. It teaches me how to communicate better and thinking more progressively.
11. It will help me how to elaborate more and how to think in the future.
12. The most surprising thing I've encountered is probably that not much homework is given out and when it is it just comes out of nowhere.
13. In the makerspace they let you create any ideas and let you have the floor that's the most surprising to me.
14. Everybody in this school is very nice and is willing to work with you and communicate that is very great.
15. I can be very outgoing and learn just about anything and keep it in my head at all times.
16. You guys are a very good,fun,exciting,and interesting and does a lot of thinking and have's lots of creativity which is very good to a lot of people including me and I think any one can love this school.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

My name is Ranje, I am from Cleveland,Ohio. In my life I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters.
I love to play basketball and even though I hate it I look Chinese. (I AM NOT CHINESE PEOPLE!!!)
My favorite basketball team is the Cavs. My birthday is 05/28/01. I'm going to a Disney audition 09/15/15.